8 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing A Black Butterfly

8 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing A Black Butterfly

Butterflies are flying insects that are found all over the world. They are often found glistening in the sunshine perched on a plant or flower, with vibrant colors covering their wings. Sadly, some butterflies don’t look quite as pretty and these are typically black or brown butterflies. Seeing a black butterfly is a very rare thing to experience…

12 Spiritual Meanings of a Crow Cawing at You

12 Spiritual Meanings of a Crow Cawing at You

Crows are enigmatic and fascinating creatures whose significance in the spirit realm is yet to be fully understood. However, it is no news that they are known for their clairvoyance, communication, and even emotional attachment to humans. These members of the oscine passerine bird family are considered devout messengers of the cosmos and their vocalizations try to…

Groundhog Spirit Animal: What Does a Groundhog Symbolize?

Groundhog Spirit Animal: What Does a Groundhog Symbolize?

Have you lately realized the need to connect to your higher self? Or do you feel your personal boundary has encroached too much lately? If that’s the case, summoning your groundhog spirit animal can truly help. However, it is imperative for you to learn what groundhog symbolize and what they spiritually stand for before trying…

Whale Spirit Animal: What Does a Whale Symbolize?

Whale Spirit Animal: What Does a Whale Symbolize?

Blue whales are the largest animal that has ever lived on our planet. And, in case you were wondering what these mighty creatures mean spiritually, you’re at the right place! Whales make fabulous spiritual guides and have many teachings to share with us. They are mostly symbolized for their communication, music and mysticism, intelligence, emotional…

10 Spiritual Meanings of a Beetle Landing On You

10 Spiritual Meanings of a Beetle Landing On You

Many of us associate insects with negativity and look at them with repulsion. That’s understandable given how different insects and people are physically but it is important to note that some insects – quite a few in fact – have had very positive symbolism throughout the ages and in the many different human cultures. Such…

5 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing a Dead Butterfly

5 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing a Dead Butterfly

Butterflies are magical creatures that have accompanied humanity in various cultures. They have been part of the myths of ancient Greece, in Chinese culture, in American Indians, and even in more recent beliefs such as Christianity, since they are even mentioned in the Bible. These totem animals have always represented the life cycle, transitions, contact…

8 Spiritual Meanings of a Bird Hitting Your Window

8 Spiritual Meanings of a Bird Hitting Your Window

There are many natural reasons for birds to hit windows, including reflections and territoriality. However, this unfortunate event can also have spiritual significance – so to delve deeper, in this post, we will guide you find the spiritual meanings of a bird hitting your window. Let’s deep into the spiritual meanings of the bird. Bird…