6 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing A Hummingbird

6 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing A Hummingbird

Even for those who are not spiritually inclined, seeing a hummingbird is a magical experience, so it’s no wonder that many cultures have attached a deep symbolism and spiritual meaning to these beautiful yet fragile creatures. In this post, we will look at hummingbird symbolism and discuss what they have meant to the various peoples…

Black Panther Spirit Animal: What Does a Black Panther Symbolize?

Black Panther Spirit Animal: What Does a Black Panther Symbolize?

Big feral cats are overwhelmingly powerful when compared to humans. But that’s not the only thing we can learn from them. For instance, black panthers are also symbolized for their guardianship as they are for their bravery. Read on to find out more on black panther spiritual meanings, symbolism, totem, omens, and common panther dreams…

Red Winged Blackbird Spirit Animal: What Does a Red Winged Blackbird Symbolize?

Red Winged Blackbird Spirit Animal: What Does a Red Winged Blackbird Symbolize?

Is there a red winged blackbird symbolism and spiritual meaning? Even red winged blackbirds have various implications for spiritualism and have a vast symbolism. If you often see this bird appearing to you in your dreams, or if you see it during walks near your house, it is not a coincidence. But, it is a…

Red Tailed Hawk Spirit Animal: What Does a Red Tailed Hawk Symbolize?

Red Tailed Hawk Spirit Animal: What Does a Red Tailed Hawk Symbolize?

Sometimes, angels use rare symbols to get our attention. On other occasions, they reach out through something you see regularly. In such cases, you need extra discernment to unveil the message they’re sending. So what’s the red tailed hawk spiritual meaning? This raptor hangs around humans a lot, but they can’t still be sent on…

Sea Turtle Spirit Animal: What Does a Sea Turtle Symbolize?

Sea Turtle Spirit Animal: What Does a Sea Turtle Symbolize?

Sea Turtles were walking the Earth 100 million years ago and have seen the rise and fall of so many species. Consequently, throughout history, they have managed to capture the attention and imagination of people around the world–even inspiring countless stories and cultural connections (kingship). And beyond their physical beauty, there’s a special place for…

9 Spiritual Meanings of Cardinal Tapping on Window

9 Spiritual Meanings of Cardinal Tapping on Window

A cardinal tapping on your bedroom window for the first time might not seem like something to concern yourself with. At first, you might find the bird’s insistent drumming amusing. However, if the act becomes frequent and disturbing, you might become curious as to why this is happening. Well, cardinals, specifically red cardinals, indeed tap…

12 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing a Black Squirrel

12 Spiritual Meanings of Seeing a Black Squirrel

Have you ever seen a black squirrel? They’re beautiful animals, and they’re definitely not something you see every day. In fact, only 1% of squirrels have black fur. There are several different theories about where black squirrels come from. One theory is that they are simply a natural mutation of the more common gray squirrel. Another theory is that they are a…

10 Spiritual Meanings of a Beetle Landing On You

10 Spiritual Meanings of a Beetle Landing On You

Many of us associate insects with negativity and look at them with repulsion. That’s understandable given how different insects and people are physically but it is important to note that some insects – quite a few in fact – have had very positive symbolism throughout the ages and in the many different human cultures. Such…